Tuesday, July 14, 2015

When no voice is good

2 week chest cold that left me without a voice for 5 or so days. Normally bad. Very difficult to communicate and hurts like a mother when you feel you have no choice but to try and talk. But then, an epitome. My 2 yr old toddler was being her stubborn self and wouldn't let me put her in the car seat. I don't know why, really, being strapped down in the 80 something degree heat in a hot steaming car seat seems hardly irrational. Either way, being sick and tired on top of being naturally impatient, I wanted to yell out my frustrations and say "just get in" and continue under my breath "goddamn it." But I didn't. Because I couldn't. My voice was hurting so bad, it was now innate to keep my mouth shut and speak only when absolutely necessary. And that moment was not a necessary moment. It made me realize how quick I often react and how unnecessary it is. If I just wait 2 seconds, I can find alternative ways to vent my frustrations or even not let it get to me at all. After I spoke softly to her and got her in the carseat, I knew that more than half the time I've sighed, grrred, or swore under my breath could have not been done and my life will still be exactly the same, well, maybe less irritable. So, my lesson in having no voice. Sometimes, I should try to not have one.

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